Saturday, May 11, 2013

Digital Tools

A New Digital Tool for My Classroom

     A new tool that I will be incorporating in my classroom for next year will be blogger.  Whether Indiana moves to adopting Common Core State Standards or not, writing is extremely important and I am noticing how poorly students write.  I know that I may not have the best grammar or spelling skills, but I at least have some ability.

     My intent for next school year will be every Friday to assign some type of blog entry.  I may give my students 20 key words from our discussions through the week and they may have to use 15 of them in a blog entry.  Or, I may assign my students an exploration activity in which they will investigate a topic and describe what they learned in their blog.
      Using blogger will enable my students to collaborate in ways they can't if they are summarizing what they learn on paper.  This also allows for parents to see what their child is learning about in class.  Students would also be required to visit at least one other blog from their class and comment on a post, thus creating a new form of collaboration with which many could participate, even outsiders or potentially people who work in that particular field of study!

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